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Degree Programs

 The Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction

1.  Master of Education (M. Ed.)

The M. Ed. program of Curriculum and Instruction aims to train secondary school teachers, academic researchers in curriculum and instruction, experts for curriculum and instruction institutes or the cultural and educational industry. Courses in the M. Ed. program includes the subjects of basic theories in education, research instruments and methods, specialized-elective courses, free-elective courses. The requirement of an M. Ed. degree of Ed. includes least 32 credits earned by taking required courses, an individual publication in a reviewed conference or journal, and completion of the thesis.


2.  Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.)

The educational goal of the Ph.D. program is to train secondary school teachers, advanced academic researchers, middle or senior educational and school administrators, and higher education teaching specialists. Required courses includes the subjects of fundemental theories in education, research instruments and methods, and concentration-specialized courses. Also, an individual publication in a peer-reviewed journal or research book, an academic conference paper publication, passing the Ph.D. qualification exam and completing a dissertation are required for achieving the Ph.D. degree.